Thursday, June 26, 2008

Haris Ibrahim and his Band of Misfits Committed to Destroy Islam in Malaysia

The same straegy is adopted by HAris Ibrahim and his band of misfits. The worse is that Haris claims to be a Muslim, just like Malik Imtiaz.

Muslims in this country OPENLY rejects what Haris and his band of misfits is trying to do. Even Lina Joy's mother came out in public asking the public's help to bring her daughter back to Islam. That is the measure of unpopularity of Haris Ibrahim's agenda.

Dear Haris Ibrahim,

I'm sorry to say this, but what you and group is trying to do is unscrupolous.

Your interpretation of Article 11 is hardly objective and within the context of the Constitution.

The interpretation is based on Secular Liberalism meant to destroy the Islamic Institution of this land, and thus destroying Islam.

Your interpretation of Article 11 is meant to relegate Islam to a mere faith based system limited to within the private domains.

CLEARLY this is an insult to the Quran, to Islam and to Muslims around the world.

Your attempt to use the courts mimics your mentors in the United States where Anti Christians laws like abortion and pornography are pushed down the populations throat through Supreme Court Rulings.

They know that these laws can never see the light of day is it is pushed democratically.

Let me cite examples such as below:

a.U.S. Supreme Court’s Everson decision in 1947 which imposed an unconstitutional “Wall of Separation” between Church and State

b. The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Griswold in 1965 (which found a new constituitional “right to privacy” for contraception) was the next big judicial construct. This helped the sexual revolution

c.Roe vs Wade which legalize abortion that makes promiscous sex easier and more accessible within the American Christian electorate.

d. Lawrence decision by the US Supreme Court which allows homosexual sodomy

e. THe recent gay marriage decision allowed by the California Supreme court is another example.

f. Supreme Court's decision on pornography.

You see, no politician in America would dare to champion these laws as the Christian electore will reject them outright without question.

The liberals then took the back way and used the courts to imposed laws alien to the American Christian soceity. What happened is that these laws in time demolish Christian values in America and wipe out Christianity's role in the public life.

In short, the liberals used the courts to destroy Christianity in America.

The same straegy is adopted by HAris Ibrahim and his band of misfits. The worse is that Haris claims to be a Muslim, just like Malik Imtiaz.

Muslims in this country OPENLY rejects what Haris and his band of misfits is trying to do. Even Lina Joy's mother came out in public asking the public's help to bring her daughter back to Islam. That is the measure of unpopularity of Haris Ibrahim's agenda.

Yet they openly work towards destroying Islam in this country.

I will never cease to expose your evil scheme Haris Ibrahim. Heed the assurance from Allah AlMighty in the Quran

"61:8. Their intention is to extinguish Allah.s Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it)"

You will never succeed Haris, Allah will never permit it.


mohad said...

salam.. apa khabar...

Anonymous said...

Fuck you and islam

Anonymous said...

"You will never succeed Haris, Allah will never permit it"

Well, if Allah will never permit it. Why do you bother? Since that statement imply that Haris' effort are in vain because Allah will never permit it. And of course we know. When Allah says so, it happens.

Tulang Besi said...

Walaimusalam Ijad,

Apa Kabar?

Anonymous said...

This Haris bloke is a lawyer, surely we'll have no chance winning a law related argument with him if we're not lawyers, plus people will say we got no credibility. But when it comes to Islam, this dog-rearing whiskey drinking apostate champion never bother about the prerequisites of interpretating Al-Qur'an or Al-Hadeeths.

Granted, people with little Arabic knowledge can still be Muslims, just like non-lawyers like us can still be law-abiding. But then again, we'll need the advise of those who are learned: In Islam we need ulamas, and in law we need lawyers.

Haris never seems to respect the discipline of other fields.

Tulang Besi said...

tulang kayu adik tulang besi,

I propose we set up fund becauase I know lawyers more qualified than Haris and Malik, like Pawanchik Merican and Kamar Ainiah are fighting them.

But we need to support them with material support, and without question moral support

Apparently, they've done quite a lot.

Did u know the Islamic constitution preceeds the country's constitution?

Anonymous said...

Just a point of information for idiots like yourselves..Islamic can never preceed the country's constitution because if it does then that would make Malaysia an Islamic state which is clearly not the case.So please talk sense and not like a shithead.

Anonymous said...

sorry mr Rahman, i meant no offence but to tell you the truth, i sense discontent unhappiness, fear and belief insecurity in you.

perhaps you should read more and try to open up. it might turn you to a happier muslim.

Tulang Besi said...

Dear anonymous,

TQ for your advice. I treasure it.

And you're right, i am angry, unhappy, discontent and shocked.

I mean, why is my religion being targeted when it has done nothing to anyone?

There are a million and one problem out there and ISLAM is not one of them.

Anonymous said...

Assalamualikum Mr Abdul Rahman,

There’s no need for you thank me for anything. Regarding your ‘curahan hati’ to me, I must say this;

I strongly feel that you knew very well they are not targeting Islam as a whole per se but, certain specific ideas/doctrines people like you are promoting that are unjust, oppressive and repressive.

If such ideas are left unchecked, it might create greater oppression, injustice and crime against humanity once people who have the same frame of mind as you dominate the political power.

As a matter of fact, they have good reason to be wary because such cases had happened one too many.

It was not fair for you to fabricate lies and accuse them with such sweeping remarks when you, after all these while, know very well their argument and their concerns. I don’t know about you but as far as my understanding goes, Islam never teaches its believers to fabricate lies.

So, please Mr. Abdul Rahman, stop being pretentious and stop feeling sorry for your self. You make your self look foolishly pathetic.

I’ve read your writing, and personally, i must say that to certain extent, some specific religious ideas/doctrines that you hold are harsh and bearing toward the extreme side. I absolutely agree with you when you mention this in your last sentence to me. You said;

“There are a million and one problem out there and ISLAM is not one of them”

You are correct Mr Abdul Rahman. Islam is never a problem. The real problem is -people like you.

You are welcome to treasure this advice of mine as you did with my previous. No need to thank me. Its nothing really.

Anonymous said...

anon merepek:I strongly feel that you knew very well they are not targeting Islam as a whole per se but, certain specific ideas/doctrines people like you are promoting that are unjust, oppressive and repressive. - menidakkan hadith bukan targeting islam ke?

Anonymous said...

salam..mudah-mudahan Allah sentiasa bersama kamu..di mana sahaja kamu berada..teruskanlah usaha kamu..kerana setelah membaca blog Haris Ibrahim..saya amat berasa gementar,bimbang dan amat sedih melihatkan Islam dan Al-Quran dipermainkan sebegitu rupa!. Dan yang membuatkan saya bertambah sedih adalah kerana mereka yang memperjuangkan Islam sekular itu adalah orang yang mengaku bahawa mereka beragama Islam!.

Tapi..saudara Tulang Besi..saya amat berbangga dengan kamu..ambillah contoh Rasulullah kita..walaupun beliau adalah Kekasih Allah..namun demi untuk menegakkan Islam di bumi ini..baginda telah mengharungi segala macam perkara yang pahit,pedih dan sedih..teruskanlah usaha kamu..semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati kamu!

wak segen said...

Orang2 anti- Hadith ni jangan dilayan. Tunggu saje nanti bila ada saudara terdekat die mati atau die sendiri. Kelam kabut nanti cari sape nak kendalikan jenazah nak kapan kan nak kebumikan.Macam al-kisah sesaorang sedikit masa dulu.
Hehehe ..jangan mareh..

Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum to Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah.

Rahman how do you answer this:

"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman, kemudian mereka kafir, kemudian mereka beriman semula, kemudian mereka kafir sekali lagi, kemudian mereka bertambah-tambah lagi dengan kekufuran, Allah tidak sekali-kali akan memberi ampun kepada mereka dan tidak akan memberi petunjuk hidayat kepada mereka ke jalan yang benar" Al Nisaa(137).

So Rahman, if the punishment for murtad is death, then how does a person :

'beriman, kemudian mereka kafir, kemudian mereka beriman semula, kemudian mereka kafir sekali lagi'

so many times?

So according to this 'best hadith', Lina Joy can beriman, then kafir, then beriman semula, then kafir again etc. No punishment mentioned here. God will not forgive her, that is all.

Rahman you know the verse 'Allaahu nazzala ahsana al hadeeth' which means 'Allah menurunkan hadith yang paling baik' (Al Zumar 23)

This is the Quran. So the Quran is the best hadith.

So Haris was correct when he said that Article 11 protects freedom of religion. Because in Al Nisaa 137 talks about a person who beriman, murtad, beriman balik, then murtad again etc. Haris is not wrong.

Tulang Besi said...


You're talking nonsense.

In the first place, there is no mention in the verse that death penalty for apostasy is prohibited?

Is there?

And the Quran is the best Al HAdeeth but the Al Hadeeth An Nabawi is REVELATIONS from ALLAH

Anonymous said...

wak segen
July 21, 2008 9:59 AM

Memang betul Wak. Tunggu aje saat nak mati, nanti baru dia tahu betapa seksanya kematian itu, kerana mempermain2kan Hadith. Agaknya puak ni tak pernah mengadap orang nak ngembuskan nafas terakhir, tak pernah ngantar jenazah ke kubur. Jadi mereka tak pernah lihat bagaimana seksanya seseorang itu menghadapi sakratul maut, apatah lagi kalau memperolok2kan Hadith. Mereka mungkin tak pernah tengok liang kubur yang sudah dikorek secukupnya untuk dimasukkan jenazah tetapi apabila cuba dimasukkan tak muat. Korek lagi, tak muat juga. Akhirnya, terpaksa ditekan (diperosok) saja mayat supaya masuk ke dalam luang kubur.
Kalau tak caya hadith, agaknya macam mana puak anti hadith ni solat? Dalam Quran tak sebut cara-cara mendirikan solat. Mungkin puak ni ruku’ saja sekali, dak selesai sembahyang, sebab dalam Quran kata ruku’lah kamu bersama dengan mereka yang ruku’.